Easy Money – Rodney Rides A Ross
A blast from the past. In the 1983 hit “Easy Money”, Joe Pesci has Rodney Dangerfield ride his Ross stationary bike. Rodney was a great friend of the Ross family and is missed dearly to this day.
“Gung Ho” 1986 Michael Keaton Comedy Hit
In this scene, the wife has purchased a new Ross bicycle for their son. She’s trying to get him to put it together, but he’s far to busy working on plans to save the factory.
Channel 7 Deco Drive – Randy Ross Stepper
Randy Ross is interviewed by Ellie Rodriguez in South Beach about the new Randy Ross Steppers. The Steppers were an instant success in South Beach and other beach communities.

Team Ross Magazine AD from the 80s.
“Ross Bicycles, always pushing the limits”
Pictures of the Ross Family, Events and Friends.
Get to know the Ross family a little more. In this gallery you’ll find photos of promotions, events, old Ross Bicycles and some amazing memories of times spent with the Ross family.